^Upsilon Andromedae- flickr/cc license
Mario Botta designed the SFMOMA in San Francisco, completed in 1995.
With artworks by Jackson Pollock, Marcel Duchamp, Ansel Adams, and Andy Warhol, this is one of the world's leading modern art museums. It has five floors of galleries with 15,000 pieces of artwork. The $65-million project includes a back sculpture garden by Jensen Architects and landscaping by CMG Landscape.
The intricate brick work typical for Botta seems to reference the pre-earthquake San Fransisco. The strong symmetry, minimal vertical windows, and emerging linear comes straight out of early modernism (as post-modernism.) The white and black horizontal stripes at the entrance echo the brick pattern, and continue inside through the lobby, up the five floors, and finally emerge in a grand oculus. It is titled toward the sun, and floods the interior space with daylight, while providing some natural stack-heat venting. A walk bridge crosses the tall space near the top.
The San Francisco modern art museum acts as a historical museum of more recent history. But it also is a brilliant place to visit and truly uplifting.
Video: Inside , About the architecture
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^raindog- flickr/cc license
^david.orban- flickr/cc license
^John Loo- flickr/cc license
^methTICALman- flickr/cc license
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