Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Stonehenge, Salisbury England

Stonehenge is the most significant architectural work in history. It was doubtlessly well-known across much of the inhabited world for millenia. It was added to over thousands of years as the previous builders vanished, as if the new inhabitants knew instinctively was to do. The nearby Blue Henge is confirmed to be an ancient burial site with remains of people from all over Europe found in the enormous complex that Stonehenge was a part of.

Most aren't aware that Stonehenge is just one part of a huge ancient city. Burial barrow mounds and other architectural sites surround Stonehenge in an intricate layout. This layout and Stonehenge's design was widely copied in ancient times, the Mesopotamian cosmic city. The Salisbury Plain still effuses a mystical and religious atmosphere that can be physically felt.

The exact dimensions of Stonehenge's circular structure, raised central mound, and entrance avenue were copied at Huenenborg. Cosmic circular cities with connecting avenues like the Stonehenge site are found in the Amazon rainforest.

The first monoliths were erected in 2500 B.C but the site was first worked about 3500 BC, at the end of the Stone Age and as Egypt was just becoming united. Scientists are still baffled at the construction techniques, how the stones were shaped, transported, and raised. But a vast civilization must have provided the power and inspiration for the once covered ediface.

Why such effort for a mere time piece? Stonehenge's structure aligns to the solstices, sun paths, moon phases, paths of the stars, and even predictions of eclipses. Astronomicist Steven Hawkings suggests it was an attempt at time travel. Perhaps it was a leap toward eternal life for the dead, an endeavor that obsessed the world's other great civilization of the time, Egypt.

The world's first great temple, first great piece of architecture still stands and effects the world as only architecture can do. It's a silent record of history and human sensibility from the earliest of times. As modern interventions are removed and a new visitor's center is built, great preservation efforts will hopefully be made.

(1). Altar Stone (2). Barrow without any burial (3). Barrows without any burial (4). Slaughter Stone (fallen over) (5). Heel Stone (6). Station Stones- two of four (7). surrounding ditch (8). inner bank (9). outer bank (10). Avenue 3km long to River Avon (11). 30 Y Holes (12). 29 Z Holes (13). 56 Aubrey holes (14). southern entrance

Video: Rebuilding Stonehenge, part 1
Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6

More Info and Images , More Info and Images

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