Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

MBA Graduation cermoney and world Best universities

Web based learning has been implemented widely in colleges and universities nowadays, such as UKM , University of Malaya , University Malaysia Sarawak, UNITAR and Multimedia University Malaysia. E-Learning is a learning process that is facilitated and enhanced by using digital tools such as CD-ROMs, video conferencing, websites, e-mail and many more, where the content and instruction is delivered electronically.
According to a recent survey by Internetworldstats.com, Malaysia is currently rankedamong the top 20 highest number of Internet users in the World. This shows that ELearningthrough the use of Internet will become increasingly more common in Malaysiain the future. In terms of Malaysia’s E-Readiness in Southeast Asia, Malaysia just fallsbehind Singapore and is currently at the embedding stage where :
1) there a general acceptance of ICT by citizens, business and government2) Incorporation of e-business requirements into policies, legislations and regulations

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