Rabu, 01 September 2010

SHEA endorses mandatory flu vaccine for healthcare workers

Here is the position paper, and here is SHEA’s press release. We have blogged on this issue often, so you can read some of these posts here, here, here, here, here, here and here. More can be had by linking to related topics in our “labels” section to the right.

One of my posts makes reference to the conflict of interest issue. I know it is complicated. But in an ideal world, “official” position papers such as this would be written by those who have no financial ties to vaccine makers. This is not meant to sound snarky or holier-than-thou (I have my own industry ties, related to research funding). I also know that this means many future position papers and guidelines will be written by professionals who have a lower profile, since almost all opinion leaders have some conflicts in their area(s) of expertise.

I will make no further comment, though perhaps others who read this blog regularly (including one or more of the authors of the position paper) wish to comment!

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