Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Bundle the baby

There's a new paper in Pediatrics that evaluates implementation of central line insertion and maintenance bundles across all referral NICUs (n=18) in New York state. Surveillance for infections followed NHSN methodology and evaluated a 12-month period prior to implementation of the bundles to a 10-month period after the bundles were implemented. Overall, there was a 40% reduction in CLABSI. Higher volume NICUs demonstrated lower infection rates and less variation in performance. For each standard deviation increase in maintenance checklist usage, there was a 16.5% decrease in CLABSI rate. However, the authors point out that "in light of some agencies’ considering CLABSIs to be “never events,” it is important to note that no NICU achieved an overall CLABSI rate of 0."

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